Our job is to help Shredders run their businesses better.
Integrate, Automate, and Outsource with ShredMetrics!
Q-Shred® from ShredMetrics helps you get more done in a day.
Drivers are more efficient with better routes and without old fashioned hand-written paper receipts. They are safer (and more efficient) when they use our truck-grade turn-by-turn directions from their phones.
Special requests can be easily handled without complicated work-arounds.
Your Office will be more efficient with everything they need in one system, and smoothly integrated with your favorite business applications like QuickBooks and DocuSign.
Our workflows support mobile on-site shedding, off-site plant-based shredding, and hard drive destruction. And now, ShredMetrics Management Solutions (SMMS) lets you outsource back office functions to us, so you can spend more time selling and shredding, and less time billing.
ShredMetrics is an official sponsor of i-SIGMA Shred School. Learn More
Request Demoi-SIGMA 2024 Operations Impact Award
ShredMetrics received the i-SIGMA Operations Impact Award for the second consecutive year, thanks to our innovative mobile application, Q-Shred GO. This app boasts 100% Bin Validation, Automated Certificates of Destruction, and Automatic Invoicing.
Tools designed just for you… built by people who know your business!
Let’s start with what we don’t do… we don’t mow lawns, clean houses, or fix HVAC systems, and neither do you. Yet many of the routing and business management tools on the market were built to support landscapers, janitorial services, or medical waste. Sure, they can be made to work... but our software was purpose-built from the ground up specifically to support the Shredding and e-Waste industries with the specialized reports and processes that you need every day. We know what a Certificate of Destruction is, we capture hard drive (and other) serial numbers, and we know that prices vary between accounts. We even know that what you actually are given will probably be different from what the customer originally told you... so your software needs to be able to deal with it on the fly!
Learn how Q-Shred® can help you get more done in a day!
CLICK HERE to request a live personal and no-obligation demonstration.
Learn what Q-Shred® from ShredMetrics can do for you.
Learn how Q-Shred® can transform your business by requesting a demo or receiving more information.
See it in action
One of our Solution Consultants will give you a short, one-on-one demonstration.
Experience Is Everything
Our tools fit this Industry so well because they were written for it; not adapted from something else. We’ve lived with last minute changes, broken down trucks, customers who reschedule and customers who can’t count. All of our operating experience was poured into our software to make it fast and easy to keep up with the inevitable changes.